The Middletown High School Drama Club
"Fighting World Hunger Through Space Exploration"
The Middletown (RI) High School Drama Club usually produces two plays during each school year.  Below is a list of all plays performed by the MHS Drama Club since the opening of the school in 1962. If we missed one, or if you have any suggestions for plays you would like us to try, send us a note - we're always open to ideas.
Our current production: [ stay tuned! ]
Our most recent production: Almost, Maine
Our rehearsal schedule
HELP WANTED - I am looking for copies of the MHS Yearbook from the following years: 1964, 1965, 1970, 1971, 1979, and 2001. Also, any yearbooks from JH Gaudet School, and the Rogers High School yearbooks from 1980-81 and 1990. If you have any of these please contact me; I am interested in buying or borrowing them.
General Drama Club Links
Our Awards Directors' Gallery Our friends at King Philip Regional
Coffee? e-mail The Author International Thespian Society
Contact Past & Present Members MHS Drama Page credits Wizard of What?
Alumni in Theater You Might Be In High School Theater if... The Wizard of Oz/Dark Side of the Moon
Official MHS Page Exactly what our rehearsals are like. What about yours? Musicals: A Counter Example
    Musicals: Why we don't do so many.
See this web page's author's dad in Guys & Dolls, at Stevens Tech, 195x   He's the handsome talented one in the white shirt!
Production History of the MHS Drama Club
If you have anything to correct or add, e-mail the author. 
May 2025 TBA d:
Dec 13 & 14, 2024 (7:00 pm) Almost, Maine (A joint production with the RHS Drama Club) d: Megan Sparadeo & Peter Corr; the Jimmy to LJ Gauch Rose Foley; the Corre to Ruby Machado
May 3 & 4, 2024 The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
d: Peter Corr/Kevin Zahm/Megan Sparadao; the Jimmy to LJ Gauch & Isabella Woods, the Corre to Xander Cantelmo, the Techie to Mary Ellen Williams
Feb 23 & 24, 2024 Art (A Senior Project) d: Vic Stabile; Vic's Tabile to Emely Sola-Mendez
Dec 8 & 9, 2023 A Christmas Carol (A joint production with the RHS Drama Club) d: Peter Corr & Kevin Zahm; the Jimmy to Sonam Ngamdung, the Corre to Katy Lynch
April 28 & 29, 2023

You Can't Take It With You
(A joint production with the RHS Drama Club)

d: Peter Corr & Kevin Zahm; the Jimmy to Vic Stabile, the Corre to Grace Williams
Feb 24-26, 2023 Cabaret (A Senior Project) d: Aleksandr Kobrynich; the kSandr to Maddie D
December 9 & 10, 2022 The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) {revised} [updated] (A joint production with the RHS Drama Club) d: Peter Corr & Kevin Zahm; the Jimmy to Collin Klampert, the Corre to Paige LeBrecque
March 18 & 19, 2022 Little Shop of Horrors (A joint production with the RHS Drama Club) d: Peter Corr & Kevin Zahm; the Jimmy to Mia Braun, the Corre to Ciaran Lane
December 3 & 4, 2021 Twelve Angry Jurors d: Kevin Zahm; the Jimmy to Aleksandr Kobrynich
May 2021 Senior Sendoff: A private reading d: Kevin Zahm
December 2020 COVID Prevented  
May 8 & 9, 2020 Skin Of Our Teeth - COVID Cancelled d: Kevin Zahm
Dec 6 & 7, 2019 The Good Doctor d: Kevin Zahm; the Jimmy to Grace Haskell
May 3 & 4, 2019 Godspell (a joint production with the RHS Drama Club) d: Peter Corr, Dominic Petze, Kevin Zahm; the Jimmy to Mia Braun, the Petza to Ryan Collum, the Corre to Julia McGinn
Nov 20 & Dec 1, 2018 This is a Test
d: Kevin Zahm; the Jimmy to Emma Kalif
May 4 & 5, 2018 The Ugly Duckling   and  
The Effect of Gamma-Rays On Man-In-The-Moon Marigolds
d: Caroline McNamara; the Car-o-line to Hailey Pelletier
d: Kevin Zahm
; the Jimmy to Mariah Haskell
December 1 & 2, 2017 The Children's Hour d: Kevin Zahm; the Jimmy to Maggie Shea
May 12 & 13, 2017 The Drowsy Chaperone (a joint production with the RHS Drama Club)
d: Peter Corr, Meaghan Corr, Sara Sconyers, & Kevin Zahm
December 2 & 3, 2016 Love/Sick
d: Kevin Zahm & Co; the Jimmy to Nat Currey, Peter Piazza, Jamie Springett, and Bailey Stearns
November 17 & 18, 2016 The Crucible
d: Bailey Stearns & Nat Currey
May 6 & 7, 2016 Our Town
d: Kevin Zahm; the Jimmy to Hannah Bedard
April 14 & 15, 2016 The Diary of Anne Frank d: Anna Barnes; the Hannah Banana to Bailey Stearns
December 4 & 5, 2015 May The Farce Be With You
d: Kevin Zahm; the Jimmy to Lily Ferreira
May 1 & 2, 2015 Desperate Measures: Five One-act Plays
A Translator is Born
Sure Thing
Arabian Nights
Bridal Terrorism
Check Please

d: Kevin Zahm
d: Madi Marlow
; the MadiSonic to Matt Gormally
d: Kevin Zahm; the Jimmy to Madi Barlow & Telli Quinn
d: Telli Quinn & Emily Hook; the _____ to Aidan Costa
d: Clara Maurer
; the ClaraTiara to Julia Hugard
February 5 & 6, 2015 Almost, Maine (A joint production with the RHS Drama Club) d: Kevin Zahm & Pete Corr
December 5 &6, 2014 Anne of Green Gables  d: Kevin Zahm; the Jimmy to Clara Maurer
May 2 & 3, 2014 Romeo and Romeo d: Clara Maurer and Madi Barlow; the MadiSonic to John Gerald Baldesmo; the ClaraTiara to John Cunha
December 6 & 7, 2013 A Christmas Carol d: Kevin Zahm; the Jimmy to John Cunha
May 3 & 4, 2013 The Dining Room d: Kevin Zahm; the Jimmy to Taylor Moss; the Zahmbie to Lydia Burns
November 30
& December 1, 2012
A Series of Entertaining Events d: Kevin Zahm; the Jimmy to Ella Miller
May 4 & 5, 2012 The Man Who Came To Dinner d: Kevin Zahm; the Jimmy to Pat Lombardi; the Zahmbie to Lydia Burns
November 18 & 19, 2011 Twelve Angry Jurors d: Kevin Zahm; the Jimmy to Dan Bertel and Jane Serenska
May 13 & 14, 2011 Almost, Maine d: Kevin Zahm; the Jimmy to John Cunha
April 1, 2011 Let Him Sleep 'til It's Time For His Funeral d: Matt P
December 3 & 4, 2010 Our Mister Brooks d: Kevin Zahm; the Jimmy to Julia Chille
May 7 & 8, 2010 David And Lisa d: Kevin Zahm; the Jimmy to Jack Broderick
March 26 & 27, 2010 The Compleat Works of Wllm Shkspr (Abridged) d: Julia Chille
March 19, 2010 [Unified Theater] d: Ryan Leys
Dec 4 & 5, 2009 Just Another High School Play d: Kate Bosch & Marnie Murray; the Jimmy to Joanna Grocott
June 11 & 12, 2009 Into The Woods, Jr (J. H. Gaudet Middle School Drama Club) d: Jackie Zahm
May 1 & 2, 2009 A Thurber Carnival d: [willing seniors]; the Jimmy to Anastasia Miller; the Margareta to Kevin Cruz & Anastasia Miller
Dec 11-13, 2008 The Sound Of Music d: Jackie Zahm; the Claudia to Rebecca Cunha, the Jimmy to Connor Broderick, The Jackie to Kelly Fullerton
May 16 & 17, 2008 Twelfth Night d: Margaret Maurer; the Margareta to Connor Broderick; the Jimmy to Amanda Wylly (for the season!)
May 9 & 10, 2008 A Nose For The News d: Kevin Zahm; the Zahmbie to Amanda Tracy
Dec 14 & 15 2007
Stage Door
d: Kevin Zahm; the Jimmy to Aaron Weininger, the Zahmbie to Kevin Cruz
May 4 & 5, 2007 Check Please, Take 2
That Day
Bridal Terrorism
d: Kevin Zahm
the Jimmy to Jessica Sweeney
the Zahmbie to Margaret Maurer
March 1 & 2, 2007 Just A Stage He's Going Through d: Tia Meneses
Feb 11 & 12, 2007 'Til Death - A Murder Mystery Musical d: Margaret Maurer
Dec 15 & 16, 2006 A Christmas Carol d: Kevin Zahm; the Jimmy to Stephen Thompson & the Zahmbie to Ashley Stokes & Hannah M.
July 26 & 27, 2006 Small Actors d: Chelsea Boergesson
May 5 & 6, 2006 Guys and Dolls d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Erica Frisk & Brenna Kehew
February 2006 Under The Tuscan Sun d: Alex Dana (student)
Dec 10 & 16, 2005 A Midsummer Night's Dream d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Jordan Gilletti & Rebecca Cunha
May 2005 You Can't Take It With You d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to John Maurer and Rebecca Shaull
Dec 2004 It's A Wonderful Life d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Erin Kilmer
May 2004 Antigone d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Caroline McNamara & her Family
March 2004 Icarus All Over Again d: Adam Shepherd; the Adam Shepherd to Kelsey Wilson
Dec 2003 Cheaper By The Dozen d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Leanne Medeiros
April 2003 Our Town d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Laura Gifford, Adam Stewart, and Maggie Drayton
March 2003 The Perks of Being A Wallflower d: Corinna Halloran & Skye Marchesi 
Nov 2002 The Ugly Duckling
If Men Played Cards As Women Do
The Sandbox
The Trysting Place
'Dentity Crisis
d: James Ascoli & Kevin Zahm; the Jimmy to Chris Allen & Mike Nugent; the Zahmbie to Caroline McNamara
May 2002 Rumors d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Chris Medeiros & Kyle McCarthy
Dec 2001 The Miracle Worker d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Gigi Putier & Leah Perotti
May 2001 George Washington Slept Here d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Mike Carellas & Becky Shepherd
Dec 2000 Story Theater d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Ryan Conrad & Cilla Rowe
May 2000  The Dining Room d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Christi Webb
March 2000 Steel Magnolias d: Eileen (Horgan) Harris; the Eileen to the cast
Dec 1999 Skin Of Our Teeth d: Kevin Zahm; the Zahmbie to Jeanna Atkins & Sarah Snydacker
May 1999 Dark Of The Moon d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Pat Meehan,
    Janelle Arendt, & Jeana Atkins
Jan 1999 Talking With... d: student cast; the Chicklet to the entire cast and crew
Dec 1998 The Good Doctor d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Sarah Snydacker
May 1998 The Man Who Came To Dinner d: Kevin Zahm; the Zahmbie to Kelly Stoos
Jan 1998 Once Upon A Mattress d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Cam Casey & Fran Nugent
May 1997 Stage Door d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Dave Roy
Jan 1997 A Thurber Carnival d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Alvin Dizon
May 1996 Inherit The Wind d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Stephanie Arendt & Jenn Logan
Dec 1995 The Desk Set d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Alfred Dizon
May 1995 Harvey d: Kevin Zahm; the Zahmbie to Sarah Smith
Mar 1995 The Effect of Gamma-Rays On Man-In-The-Moon Marigolds  d: James Ascoli; (no awards)
Dec 1994 Voices From The High School d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Bill Ebeling and Sarah Smith
May 1994 Splendor In The Grass d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Joe Parham
Dec 1993 On the Razzle d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Alex Beckers & Jeremy Sarao
Sept 1993 Interpretations of Homelessness d: Alyson Smith
May 1993 Much Ado About Nothing d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Mary Heins
Spring 1993 Love Letters d: Kevin Zahm & Jackie Putier
Dec 1992 The Good Doctor d: James Ascoli
May 1992 You Can't Take It With You d: Kevin Zahm; the Zahmbie to Sarah Smith
March 1992 The Dining Room d: James Ascoli; (competition)
Jan 1992 Story Theater d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Jim Bray
May 1991 Pippin d: Jeanette Knapp, Musical. d: James Ascoli
March 1991 A Night of Art and Science d: Aaron Jungles, with Dorothy Jungles
Dec 1990 Twelfth Night d: James Ascoli
May 1990 Glimpses d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Jenn Dutra,
    Tony Harris, Eileen Horgan, & Mat Mello
March 1990 The Beauty of Science... 
w/ Everett Dance Theater
d: Jeanette Lee Knapp; the Knappie to __________?
Dec 1989 Born Yesterday d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Nick Wisdom
May 1989 Godspell d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to all seniors
March 1989 The Birds d: James Ascoli & Barbara VonVillas; (MHS theater class)
Dec 1988 As You Like It d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Jenn Saufler
May 1988 Skin of Our Teeth d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Jen Goodman
March 1988 Fools d: Greg Geer; the Geer to Tony Harris (no ceremony)
Dec 1987 The Diary Of Anne Frank d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Teresa Parham
May 1987 The Man Who Came To Dinner d: James Ascoli the Jimmy to Dawn Blaschke (?)
March 1987 Brighton Beach Memoirs d: Jonathan Davis; award: the Jo(h)n
Dec 1986 Seven Keys To Baldpate d: Kevin Zahm; the Zahmbie not awarded
May 1986 Life With Father d: James Ascoli
Dec 1985 Voices From The High School d: James Ascoli
May 1985 The Dining Room d: James Ascoli
March 1985 Crimes Of The Heart d: Ed Kirwin; the Eddie to Peter DiPippo
Dec 1984 The Taming Of The Shrew d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Colleen Moy
May 1984 Don't Drink The Water d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Greg Geer
March 1984 Plaza Suite d: Jackie Maurais; the Jackie to Ed Kirwin
Dec 1983 The Good Doctor d: James Ascoli
May 1983 You Can't Take It With You d: James Ascoli; the Jimmy to Jackie Maurais
March 1983 I Ought To Be In Pictures d: Joann Matley
Dec 1982 The Mousetrap d: James Ascoli
Jun 1982 Vanities d: Patrick Barrow
May 1982 Music And Comedy Tonight d: James Ascoli
Nov 1981 The Birds d: James Ascoli
May 1981 Guys And Dolls d: James Ascoli
March 1981 Barefoot In The Park d: Teresa McMahon
Dec 1980 The Man Who Came To Dinner d: James Ascoli
May 1980 The Pajama Game d: James Ascoli
Dec 1979 Twain By The Tale d: James Ascoli
Dec 1979 Diary Of Adam & Eve d: James Ascoli
May 1979 Camelot d: James Ascoli
Jan 1979 Harvey d: James Ascoli
March 1978 Once Upon A Mattress d: James Ascoli
Spr 1977 MHS Follies d: James Ascoli
Dec 1976 Seven Keys To Baldpate d: James Ascoli
May 1976 A Broadway Musical Revue d: James Ascoli
1976 You Can't Take It With You d: James Ascoli
March 1975 The Sound Of Music d: James Ascoli; student d: Beth Murphy
1975 The Glass Menagerie d: Miss G. Martin
Fall 1974 Coming Through The Rye d: James Ascoli; student d: Susan Brown
Fall 1974 Cyrano De Bergerac d: Geraldine Martin; student d: Elizabeth Murphy
March 1974 Don't Drink The Water d: Geraldine Martin and Michael Day with James Ascoli
Spr 1974 The Birds d: James Ascoli
March 1974 Mister Vincent d: ?
Dec 1973 The King And I d: Miss Beamer; student d: Karen Gillen
May 1973 Oklahoma! d: Miss Beamer & Tory Tolley
March 1973 A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court d: Miss Geraldine Martin
March 1973 Come Blow Your Horn d: Rosemary Golda, student d: Paula Rosput
Dec 1972 Portrait Of Jenny d: Geraldine Martin; student d: Mary Kay Smith
May 1972 Kiss Me Kate d: Miss Beamer; student d: Tory Tolley
Oct 1972 A Thurber Carnival d: Tory Tolley
April 1972 An Experiment In Theater (2 1-acts):
The Sandbox
The Lesson

d: Miss Barbara Carrellas, & Miss Barbara Beamer

Feb 1972 This Property Is Condemned d: Robert Hitt
Feb 1972 Sorry, Wrong Number d: Richard Lawton
Dec 1971 Cinderella d: Cheryl Taylor
Dec 1971 Pygmalion d: Miss Barbara Beamer
May 1971 Anything Goes (A Musical Revue) d: Mr. Fred Siravky & Mrs. Marilyn Rockafellow
Feb 1971 Harvey d: Miss Rosemary Golda & Tom Sherman
May 1970 Cheaper By The Dozen d: Len DeAngelis
Spring 1970 The Man Who Came To Dinner d: Mike Crowley & Bill Mack; student d: Karen Emery
March 13-15, 1970 Guys And Dolls d: Len DeAngelis & Nola Frink
May 1969

The Lottery
Student Verses
Not Far From The Gioconda Tree
d: Mr. Paul Venancio & Miss Diane DeSantis
1969 Laugh-In d: Mr. David Concannon & Mr. H. Wells French, Jr.
Jan 1969 David And Lisa d: Mr. Paul Venancio & Miss Diane DeSantis
May 1968 The Bald Soprano d: Mrs. Warren; student d: Anne Bogart
May 1968 Poetry Reading d: Mr. Donald A. Rock
May 1968 An Unpraised Season d: Mr. Donald A. Rock
March 1968 Brigadoon d: Dr. Bernice Engelbrecht
March 1968 The Wizard of Oz d: Mrs. Carol Paton; student d: Anne Bogart
Fall 1967 Glory in the Flower student d: James Murphy and Allison Pond
Fall 1967 The Admirable Crichton d: Mrs. Linda Dewing; student d: Richard McCarthy
196? Little Women d: ????
May 19 & 20, 1967 Oliver! d: Miss Eileen J. Jeanes and Mrs. Veneta Billmaye
Jan 1967 Summer And Smoke d: ?; student d:  Ellen Lois Parker
Fall 1966 The Case of the Crushed Petunias d: John Silvia
June 1966 Alice In Wonderland d: Paul Venancio; student d: Ellen Lois Parker
April 15 & 16, 1966 Camelot d: Ann Gardella
March 1966 The Sandbox d: Paul Venancio & Diane McCaffrey
March 1966 Corridors Of The Soul d: Paul Venancio & Diane McCaffrey
March 1966 The Apollo Of Bellac d: Miss Deborah Nelson
Nov 19 & 20, 1965 The Diary Of Anne Frank d: Mrs. Elizabeth MacDonald and Mr. Paul Venancio
May 7 & 8, 1965 HMS Pinafore d: Mrs. Ann (Gardella) Cafarelli
April 1965 Charlie's Aunt d: Miss Shirlee Then; student d: Sandra Van Cleave
Jan 1965 The Crucible d: Miss Shirlee Then; student d: Ruth Munch
1964 Trial By Jury d: Mrs. Ann (Gardella) Cafarelli
1964 Pygmalion d: Mr. Robert Cafarelli
May 1964 Doctor's Orders d: Mr. Robert Cafarelli; student d: David Tatlow
?? 1963 The Final Dress Rehearsal d: Mr. David Concannon
??? 1963 Kid Avalanche d: Gail Pigeon & Jane Dover
May 1963    Lady, Be Good d: Mr. Robert Cafarelli
April 5 & 6, 1963 The Singing Freshman (includes an original recording!) d: Mrs. Ann (Gardella) Cafarelli
Jan 1963 Drums Of Death d: Mr. Robert Cafarelli
Jan 1958 Abner Crane of Hayseed Lane  (at Berkely-Peckham Jr. High) d: Leta Bachhuber (Berkely-Peckham Jr. High)
Dec 1957 What's Cookin'  (at Berkely-Peckham Jr. High) d: Leta Bachhuber, Pauline Pasko, Valarie Karge, Sandra Castleberry, Janet Chaplin, Maureen Rooney
Jan 1957 The Ten Penny Tragedy  (at Berkely-Peckham Jr. High) d: Ellen Adams, Geraldine Jackson, Leta Bachhuber

(we think that past award-winners include Greg Geer, Teresa Parham, Peter DiPippo, Dale Sagamang, Stephanie Arendt, and others, but we have kept rather spotty records...fill us in if you can!)