The Middletown High School Drama Club
Romeo and Romeo
Written by Clara Maurer and Madi Barlow
Directed by Madi Barlow and Clara Maurer
Performed May 2 & 3, 2014

As far as I have been able to determine, Romeo and Romeo was the first original production of an original student play by the Drama Club at Middletown High School. Clara's sister Margaret wrote, produced, and directed a musical in February 2007 called 'Til Death as a Capstone Project - but since it was not open casting, Clara and Madi get the slight edge!
NOTE:  If your name appears below with just a last initial, it is because I do not yet have permission to use your last name on this web site.  Please see me for one if you need one, and please get them back to me as soon as possible so I can update the site! - KZ
The Cast
Audrey Kheldhe Bourque
Taylor Moss
Lilyana Dennis
Lucy (Stage Manager)
Hannah Bedard
Ms. Crayan
Bailey Stearns
Isabella Marshall
Julia Hugard
Kiley Atkins
Maggie Kerins
Aleya Daily
Paige Burton
Matt Gormally
John Gerald Baldesmo
Mr. Hark
John Thomas Cunha
Michael (Techie 1) Peter Piazza
Stewart (Techie 2) Hunter Atkins
Sebastian's Mom Phyllidia Featherbottom
Audrey’s Mom Heather Bertel
Audrey's Dad DJ Patron
Quartnee's Mom Lily Ferreira
To see the page for the play-within-a-play, visit the page for the Lady Elaine's Day School Drama Club production of Romeo and Juliet.
The Crew
Stage Manager Kristin Synnott
Producer Kevin Zahm
Lighting Shannon Hugard
Spotlight Celia Costello
Posters Emelia Wilkinson
Sound Dan Huet
Stage Crew Soy Petrowski, Kaitlyn Savage, Dan Huet, Mike Hanlon, Catalina Helmke, Matt Carlone, Jamie Springett, Isak Sigbjornsson
House Managers Telli Quinn, Emily Hook, Sarah Black, Rebecca Wang, Julio Jolon, Lauren Bertsch
The Pictures
The Cast!
Back Row
: Page, Heather, Gerald, Bailey, Maggie,  Hunter, Lily, Lilyana, DJ, Kiley
Middle: Julia, Aleya, Hannah, Peter, Isabella
Front: Madi, Taylor, Matt, Kheldhe, Clara
Stage Combat lessons!
The student directors with their "Teacher" director
Quartnee is very dramatic
Method acting
"Ohmygodsomeonecall911!" "I will! What's the number?..."
Acting can be such a drag.
Mr. Hark almost loses his patience.
Did I shine my shoes?
He knows Quartnee's mom? What a backstory!
The Tech Crew
Lillie, Soy, Catalina, Mike, Dan, Kristin, Matt, Shannon, Heather, Kaitlyn
Emily & Telli
Poster, by [_?_] 
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