The Middletown High School Drama Club
A Thurber Carnival
by James Thurber
performed January 16 & 17, 1997
The Cast
Janelle Arendt, Erin Bergeron, Josh Byrnes, Cameron Casey, Kris Clemente, Melissa Crawford, Ben Ferreira, Meghan Franklin, Lisabeth Jump, Kelly Lawrence, Sarah Lawrence, Christina Logan, Pat Meehan, Bessie Nilson, Frances Nugent, Candice Ottaviani, Charles Reeves, Matt Salmond, Ben Smith, Sarah Snydacker, Meghan Sullivan, Kate Telfeyan
The Crew
Stage Manager
Alvin Dizon
Alvin Dizon, Andrew Tetrault
Christina Salmond, Jeremy Miranda
Raenelle & Robbye Parker
back: Janelle, Meghan, Fran, Bessie, Matt, Kate, Cam, Erin, Ben, Ben, Chuck
middle: Melissa, Christina, Meghan, Candice, Lis
front: Sarah, Sarah, Josh, Kris, Pat, Kelly