The Middletown High School Drama Club
proudly presents
Desperate Measures
(Love in the Modern World)
A series of one-act plays
Performed May 1& 2, 2015

NOTE:  If your name appears below with just a last initial, it is because I do not yet have permission to use your last name on this web site.  Please see me for a permission slip if you need one, and please get it back to me as soon as possible so I can update the site! - KZ

A Translator is Born
directed by Kevin Zahm

The Cast

Gerald Baldesmo &
Emily Hook

Sure Thing
by David Ives
directed by Madi Barlow

The Cast
Matt Gormally, Maggie LeRoy, Allegra Borges

Arabian Nights
by David Ives
directed by Kevin Zahm

The Cast
Gerald Baldesmo, Madi Barlow & Peter Piazza

Bridal Terrorism
by Bill Rosenfield
directed by Emily Hook & Telli Quinn

The Cast

Lionel Stark (an innocent man)
Aidan Costa
May Wilder (a bride) Telli Quinn
Terri Winship (a JP) Taylor Moss
Gina Willis (sister of the bride) Mariah Haskell
Betty Wilder (mother of the bride)
Emily Hook
Colin Willis (Gina's husband)
Nat Currey


Emily, Aidan, Telli, Mariah, Nat, Taylor

Emily, Mariah, Telli, Aidan, Nat, Taylor

Taylor, Emily, Telli, Aidan, Mariah, Nat

Check Please
by Jonathan Rand

directed by Clara Maurer

The Cast

Nat Currey
Renee Lewis
And their suitors
Alexa Simard, Duncan Carr, Hannah Bedard, Isak Sigbjornsson, Julia Hugard, Max Regine, Lily Ferreira, Jack Moss, Heather Bertel, Gerald Baldesmo Emily MacDonald, Hunter Atkins, Lauren Bertsch, Peter Piazza, Bailey Stearns, Matt Gormally, Jamie Springett

Cafe Amore menu

Emily Mac & Nat

Max Regine (banana for scale)

The Crew

Performance Master Clara Maurer

Rehearsal Managers
Lily Ferreira, Kaitlyn Savage

Costumes Taylor Moss

Kaitlyn Savage

Lighting Kiley Atkins

Sound Ted Thibeault

Set Design & Dcoration Ninjas
Ally Brozusky, Fiona
Chlebecek, Renee Lewis

Poster Renee Lewis

House Managers
Lauren Black, Paige Burton, Hannah Gibbison

full cast
Standing: Fiona, Peter, Kaitlyn, Lauren, Isak, Max, Matt, Bailey, Teddy, Duncan
Kneeling: Alli, Nat, Gerald, Jaime, Heather, Mariah, Emily, Alexa, Hannah, Aidan
Sitting: Allegra, Madi, Julia, Telli, Clara, Lily, Taylor, Maggie, Renee, Jack
Our Seniors!  Clockwise from left: Clara, Gerald, Madi, Allegra, Emily, Max

Our Student Directors!  Clara, Madi, Telli, Emily

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