The Middletown High School Drama Club
Portrait Of Jenny
by Robert Nathan and Betty Knapp
performed December 8 & 9, 1972
Directed by Geraldine Martin
Student Director: Mary K. Smith
The Cast
Eben Adams, the artist
Richard Lawton
Michael Day
Jennie Appleton
Sandy Taylor
Mrs. Jekes
Cheryl Taylor
Paula Rasput
Mr. Mathews
Carey Nelson
Miss Spimey
Debi Hunt
Jamie Norman
Arnie Kunstler
Robert Hitt
Tory Tolley
The Crew
Student Director
Kathlyn Smith
Stage Manager
Elizabeth Westneat
Bob Hitt
Stage Crew & Construction
Tom Erb, Debbie Trainor, Shawna McGeown, Sue Brown, Grace Beattie, Jim Arnold, Sue Heimann, Steve Trickey, Charles Nickrenz, Mark Caverly, Liz Westneat, Paul Vierra, Bea Grimmitt, Anne Hackett, David Gray, Tory Tolley
Bill Dunlap, Tim Gadbaw, John Kilrow, Ken Parks
Tom Erb
Sarah McReel, Mary Mahaney
Becky Lawton, Jenny Adamson, Karen Nickrenz, Sarah McReel
Sally Uhrig, Carey Nelson, Yvonne Mayo, Karen Gillen, Karen Nickrenz
Bob Hitt
Program Cover & Design
Bob Hitt
House Manager
Nick Toppa
Dorothy Hitt, Pam Graham, Mary Jo Leach, Sue Heimann
Sarah McReel
Rebecca Lawton

Director's notes -
"Portrait of Jennie" is a story about a young artist, Eben Adams, and a charming child-girl-woman named Jennie. After Eben and Jennie's first meeting, Jennie becomes more than just a character in Eben's life. After falling in love with Jennie, Eben's career as an artist revolves around her.
Wit hEben's first sketch of Jennie, he begins to sell his work. With his porrtait of Jennie, he gains recognition and a reputation. And with the art work, they fall in love.
    There has been much speculation as to the reality of Jennie. One theory is that "she represents the artist's major work - something that begins casually, reappears, grows to an obsession, is fully realized and then is gone forever."
    The reality of Jennie is a question that the audience must answer for themselves. Each person must decide if Jennie was real, a figment of Eben's imaginatino or just an inspiration.
- G.M.



T. Tolley, R. Hitt
S. Taylor, R. Lawton
R. Lawton, S. Taylor
R. Lawton, D. Hunt, C. Nelson
M. Day
P. Rosput and C. Taylor
K. Smith, R. Lawton, C. Taylor
Thanks to Mick Day for identifying the people in the photos!