The Middletown High School Drama Club
2021 Senior Sendoff
Various Scenes
selected by Kevin Zahm
read for each other at a private picnic May 19, 2021
We were very sad to miss producing any shows during this very strange year of COVID and hybrid classes and remote learning. We did have the opportunity to perform, but with the guidelines in place it would have to have been outdoors, masked, with three feet of social distancing between actors - and between audience memnbers - at all times. When we met to plan it, it was unanimous that we wait until we can actually enjoy each other's company. So I selected a group of scenes that we would have done if possible, and we had an outdoor picnic on a beautiful May afternoon, and students read their scenes with each other, cold. It was beautiful.

The Scenes
Senior Girl/Freshman Girl
(from Vioces from the High School)
Group Member
Senior Girl
Freshman Girl

Antonia Moisiades
Jacqueline Smith
Abby Maguire

The Singing Telegram
(from Love/Sick)
Singing Telegram Man

Chip Benway
Collin Klampert

Getting It Back
(from Almost Maine)

Mia Braun
Aleksandr Kobrynich

Harry and Jerry and Bill
(from Voices from the High School)
Harry Collin Klampert
Group Member
Angela DeCarlo

Collin Klampert
Jack Hallett
Antonia Moisiades
(we never found out!)

This Hurts
(from Almost Maine)

Mia Braun
Grace Haskell

Andrea and Chris
(from Voices in the High School)

Sara Lombardi
Jack Hallett

(from Love/Sick)

Anastasia Goddard
Aleksandr Kobrynich

Final Scene (Hector & friends)
(from Voices from the High School
Group Member Antonia Moisiades
2COOL Anastasia
Grace Grace
2LAZY Chip
Sara Sara
Susie Ray Talbert

Antonia Moisiades
Anastasia Goddard
Grace Haskell
Chip Benway
Sara Lombardi
Ray Talbert

The Pictures
Senior Girl, Freshman Girl (Antonia & Abby)
Singing Telegram (Collin & Chip)  
Getting It Back (Mia & Aleksandr)
Harry & Jerry & Bill (Collin & Jack)

Forgot (Anastasia & Aleksandr)  
Final Scene (Sara & Jack)