The Middletown High School Drama Club
That Day

by Michael Scanlon
directed by Kevin Zahm
Performed May 4 & 5, 2007
Performed by special arrangement with Baker's Plays.
NOTE:  If your name appears below with just a last initial, SPENCER, it is because I do not yet have permission to use your last name on this web site.  Please see me for one if you need one, and please get them back to me as soon as possible so I can update the site! - KZ
The Cast
Amy Amanda Wylly
Yvette Joanna Grocott
Michael Stephen Thompson
Ben Nathan Putier
Hannah Kelly Fullerton
Beccy Brittney Peterson
Suzie Kim Stokes
Patricia Anastasia Miller
The Crew
Stage Manager
Hannah MacIsaac
Ashley Stokes, Jay Grocott
Amanda Tracy
Kate Bosch & The Cast
Stage Crew
Taylor Barrett, Sam Regan, Spencer B
Ashley Stokes, Anastasia Miller
House Manager
Bradley Petersen
The Pictures
back: Anastasia, Amanda, Stephen, Kelly, Nathan
front: Brittney, Kim, Joanna
This show was performed as part of a night of One Act Plays, which also included
Check Please, Take 2
Bridal Terrorism
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