The Middletown High School Drama Club
Kid Avalanche
by ???
performed ???, 1963
Directed by Gail Pigeon & Jane Dover OR
Advised by Mr. Robert Cafarelli
Class of 1964 Tenth Grade play(1) OR
Class of 1967 Eighth Grade play(2)

The Cast
Helen Mason
The Prizefighter Fred Gaschen
The Uncle ??
The Crew/Student Officers


Janet Selman(1), Zoe Garabedian(2)
Vice President
Diana Ironmonger(1), Barbara Ironmonger(2)
Secretary Penny Lindsay(1), Fred Gaschen(2)
(1) according to the Middletown [High School] Zephyr, February 14, 1962
(2) according to the Middletown [High School] Zephyr, December 14, 1962

"Kid Avalanche" relates exciting events in the life of Helen Mason, a college student, who inherits a prize-fighter from her missing uncle. (2)

We do not know if this play was ever performed, or who was in it. Any pictures or information would be greatly appreciated. Just click here to e-mail the author! Thank you.