The Middletown High School Drama Club
The Birds
by Aristophenes, translated by Walter Kerr
performed March 3 & 4, 1989
Directed by James Ascoli & Barbara Von Villas
The Cast
Pithetaerus (the footloose)
Patrick Sheehy
Euelpides (the footsore)
Tony Harris
Trochilus (the butler bird)
Jen Manalo
Epops (King of the birds)
Steve Doyle
Procne (the nightengale, wife of Epops)
Sarah Castellano
Leader (of the bird chorus)
Karen Rousseau
Kim Beattie, Meredith O'Hanley,
Jen Saufler, Amy Wilson
Captain of the Birds
Kim Veihl
The Priest Bird
Niel Emond
The Poet
Jenn Dutra
The Prophet
Joey Cina
The Real-Estate Person
Valerie Jones
The Inspector
Sarah Wordell
The Lawyer
Amanda McCormick
1st Messenger
Chris Sporleder
2nd Messenger
Nelia Costa
Iris the Swift (A small-time goddess)
Eileen Horgan
A Herald
Brian Lawton
Nicholas Wisdom
Larry Williams
A Barbarian god
Mike Alofsin
Eric Frizzel
With Special Guest Appearances By:
The Tucan
The Kookaburra
The Prompter
Mat Mello
(This was actually performed by the Theater Class, but there were many Drama Club members so we figured we'd include it here)



front: Chris, Pat, Tony, Mat, Eileen
second: Amy, Kimaree, Karen, Joey, Sarah C, Steve
third: Amanda, Sarah A, Kim, Valerie, Sarah W, Jenn M, Meredith, Jenn S, Larry
fourth: Nick, Neil, Galen, Eric Fe, Eric Fr.

Pat, Tony
The Bird Chorus
back: Nelia, Amy, Jenn, Karen, Kimaree
front: Kim, Sarah, Steve, Christine
Jenn, Patrick, Eileen, Tony, Steve
Meredith, Jenn S, Pat, Eileen, Karen, Tony, Amy, Chris
Pat, Mike, Eric, Larry
Karen, Amy, Eileen, Pat, Kimaree, Meredith
Morning Announcement
Euelpides: Hey! Ow!! Stop stepping on my face!
Pithetaerus: Shut up and stop standing on your head!
E: What are you doing up there?
P: Making a jello mold. What does it look like I'm doing?
E: Looks like you're trying to start an intimate relationship with that mountain!
P: Shut up and keep climbing. How do yuo suppose we'll ever find the King of the Birds if you keep asking stupid questions?
E: Where do you come up with these ridiculous ideas? What are we going to do in the Land of the Birds anyway?
P: Just keep your mouth shut and climb. We should be there by 8:00 tonight.
E: The Birds. Oooh, Just thinking about that Hitchcock movie gives me the creeps.
P: No, not THAT Birds you idiot! The hilariously funny comedy!
E: Oh! The one with the good jokes?
P: Right!! By Aristophanes.
E: Hey, I like that one.
P: It's presented tonight and tomorrow night at 8:00 in the MHS cafeteria.
E: By the MHS Drama Club.
P: And the Intro to Theater Class.
E: Tickets are only $4.00, at the door.
P: That's still cheaper than a movie.
E: (pause) Unless you rent one.
P: Shut up!