The Middletown High School Drama Club
The Birds
by Aristophenes, translated by Walter Kerr
performed November 20 & 21, 1981
directed by James Ascoli

The Cast
Pithetaerus (the footloose)
Kevin Zahm
Euelpides (the footsore)
David Dougherty
Trochilus (the butler bird)
Joe Ferreira
Epops (King of the birds)
Courtie Roach
Procne (the nightengale, wife of Epops)
Lisa Smith
Leader (of the bird chorus)
Kathy Redgate
The Priest Bird
Michael Cofield
The Poet
Doug Maguire
The Prophet
Jeanine Silveira
The Real-Estate Person
Joann Matley
The Inspector
Cindy Haggis
The Lawyer
Sherri Wojcik
The First Messenger
Beth Grimes
The Second Messenger
Anne Gomes
Iris the Swift (A small-time goddess)
Jennifer Walsh
A Herald
Mike Cofield
Peter DiPippo
Robert Ritter
A Barbarian god
Greg Geer
Tom Sullivan
A Chorus of Birds
Beth Mendell, Mary-Beth Buratti, Karen Harmon, Peter DiPippo, Sharon Cullen, Lisa Spooner, Jeff Muchow

The Program Title
P. DiPippo & K. Zahm

our beautiful set
Epops (top left) watches Euelpides come up with 
excuses, as the bird chorus and Pithetaurus look on
The Gangster God
Hercules, the Gangster God, and the Barbarian God
Pithetaurus checks out Iris the Swift
Pithetaurus & Euelpides stumble upon Cloud Cuckoo Land
Courtie, with Lisa Smith
Dave Dougherty

The Crew
Stage Manager
Pat Barrow
Assisstant Stage Manager
Vicky Phillips
Debbie Hall, Heather Johnson
Dirk Johnson, Aaron Schmier,
Dale Sagamang
Vicky Phillips
Costumes & Make-up
Beth Mendell, Joann Matley
Set Design
Kelly Mitchell
Marie Sullivan
House Managers
Jackie Maurias, Terry 
Wallace, Jan Fucile
Stage Crew
Joe Ferreira