The Middletown High School Drama Club
Anne of Green Gables
Adapted from L. M. Montgomery's Novel
by Alice Chadwicke
directed by Kevin Zahm
Performed December 5 & 6, 2014

NOTE:  If your name appears below with just a last initial, it is because I do not yet have permission to use your last name on this web site.  Please see me for one if you need one, and please get them back to me as soon as possible so I can update the site! - KZ
The Cast
Florence Remsen Madi Barlow
Minnie Stearn Kheldhe Borque
Anne Shirley Mariah Haskell
Mrs. Alexander Spencer Taylor Moss
Marilla Cuthbert Clara Maurer
Mrs. Rachel Lynde Lily Ferreira
Mrs.Mildred Barry Hannah Bedard
Matthew Cuthbert Matthew Gormally
Josie Pye Paige Goter
Gilbert Blythe Nat Currey
Diana Barry Grace Recavarren
Moody Spurgeon Gerald Baldesmo
Mrs. Allan Bailey Stearns
Ira Mills Peter Piazza
The Crew
Stage Manager/Prompter Kaitlyn Savage
Crew Manager Kiley Atkins
Stage Crew Isak Sigbjornsson, Max Regine
Costumes Sophia Boiani, with Paige Burton,
Fiona Chlebecek, Emily Silvia
Lighting Heather Bertel, Lauren Bertsch
Sound Jamie Springett
Properties Alexa Simard
Set Construction Max Regine, Kaitlyn Savage, Kiley Atkins, Hallie Bradley, Isak Sigbjornsson, Katlyn Gallaty, Brianna McKone
Set Painting Fiona Chlebecek, Renee Lewis
House Managers Fiona Chlebecek, Renee Lewis
The Pictures

The Cast
Gerald, Mariah, Kheldhe, Matt, Madi, Peter, Clara, Taylor, Page, Lily, Bailey, Nat, Grace, Hannah

The Crew
Sitting: Max, Fiona, Renee, Sophia, Emily, Paige
Standing: Alexa, Kaitlyn, Lauren, Isak, Jamie, Heather, Kiley

Marilla & Matthew
Rachel Lynde
Gilbert Blythe
Matthew, Anne, & Marilla
Moody Spurgeon, the poor fish
Our beautiful set, and the set decorators
Anne & Diana do not like Josie Pye
"Gracefully" painting
Madi feeling matty
Jamie & Heather
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