The Middletown High School Drama Club
Charley's Aunt
by Brandon Thomas
performed April 1965
directed by Shirlee Then; student director Sandra Van Cleave
Class of 1966 Junior Play

Jack Chesney Ronald Riggs
Charley Wykeham Ron Sanfillipo
Lord Fancourt Babberley  
Brassett David Wells
Donna Lucia D'Alvadorez  
Amy Spettigue Doreen Burdick
Kitty Verdun  
Ela Delahay Diane Osborne
And these parts go in the list above...?  
Charlie's Favorite Aunt (?)
Ronald Welby
Ernest Souza
Student Director
Sandra Van Cleave
Stage Manager
Elizabeth Braman
Stage Crew
David Leif Erickson

""Charley's Aunt", a rib-tickling comedy of mistaken identities was the Junior Class play presentation. The play involved a pair of English college gentlemen and their mad scheme to marry the girls they love. A debonair classmate of theirs is talked into assuming the role of an old and rich aunt from Brazil "where the nuts come from." The real aunt then shows up and the fun begins.

Excellent sets contributed greatoy to the success of the play. Well casy characters and the smoothness of the presentation must be attributerd to the expert direction of Mrs. Shirlee Then. Innumerable hours were spent by the entire company, the end result being a hilarious and memorable play." - from the 1966 yearbook

If you can identify any of these people, please e-mail me!