The Middletown High
School Drama Club
The Birds
by Aristophenes, translated by Walter Kerr
performed Fall 1974
Directed by James Ascoli
The Cast
Pithetaurus |
Bob Sugden
Euelpides |
Marc Silvia
Trochilus |
Mike Ehrlich
Epops |
Michael Day
Procne |
Kathy Farnan
Leader of the Bird Chorus |
Art Berluti
Priest Bird |
Scott Bostick
Poet |
Blair Bostick
Prophet |
Mike Ehrlich
Real Estate Man |
Jay Beattie
Inspector |
Ann Maestrone
Lawyer |
Karen Steele
1st Messenger |
Beth Murphy
2nd Messenger |
Greg Kendall
Iris, the Swift |
Sue Burdick
A Herald |
James Bostick
Prometheus |
Bradford Kendall
Hercules |
Ken Parks
A Barbarian God |
Chuck Ake
Neptune |
Dave Arnold
A Chorus of Birds |
Sue Brown, Grace Beattie, Brad Kendall