The Middletown High School Drama Club

'Til Death, A Murder Mystery Musical

by Margaret Maurer
A Capstone Project
Directed by Margaret Maurer
Performed February 11 & 12, 2007

NOTE:  If your name appears below with just a last initial, it is because I do not yet have permission to use your last name on this web site.  Please see me for one if you need one, and please get them back to me as soon as possible so I can update the site! - KZ
MARGARET: Do you have a CD of pictures?  Could you burn me a copy?
The Cast
Ana Sarah "Princess Leia" Hirsch
Will Stephen "Has Hips" Thompson
Lisa Anastasia "Invader Maz" Miller
Logon Kevin "Macho Nacho" Cruz
Ella Amanda "Mary Jane Watson" Wylly
Ian Flody "Connor" Broderick
Muriel Marnie "Sapphire Squirrel" Murray
Julian Kieran "Shaken Not Stirred" Brughelli
The Crew
Margaret Maurer
Stage Managers
Chelsea "Mistress God" Boergesson
Kelly "Plaid Tortoise" Fullerton
Maureen "Don't Shoot The Piano Player" Maurer
Cailin "Hummingbird" Fogerty
Ashley "I Light Dead People" Stokes
Stage Crew
Liz "I Like Fire" Peterson
Bradley "The Man Behind The Curtain" Petersen
(who are not, in fact, related)
Director of Cinematography
Amanda "Spartacus" Tracy
Poster & Program Cover
Anastasia Miller
That Other Person
Margaret "I'm not crazy, and neither am I" Maurer
Special Thanks
Mrs. Larson
Mr. Zahm
Middletown Public Library
Mike Johnson, and the Custodial Staff
The Parents of the Cast and Crew
Ellie and Katie Jones
Sheila DeAscentis
Anastasia Miller, for the lovely poster and program art.
The Pictures
Margaret --- Get me some pictures?
 The Poster!
The Program!
Chelsea & Marnie (a victim)
Connor & Amanda
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