The Middletown High School Drama Club
The Glass Menagerie
by Tennessee Williams
performed 1975
Tom Wingfield (narrator)
John Callaghan
Amanda Wingfield
Beth Murphy
Tom Wingfield (character)
Marc Silvia
Laura Wingfield
Chris Volton
Jim O'Connor
Mitch Townley
Student Director
Susan Trainor
Publicity Chairman
Michael Hussey
Susan Trainor
Laura Murphy
Stage Manager
Kathy Farnan
Set Design
Ken McMillan
& Chuck Matley
Construction Chairman
Ken McMillan
Construction Crew
Ruth Velasco & Co.
M. Silvia, B. Murphy, M. Townley
B. Murphy, C. Volton
M. Silvia, B. Murphy
M. Silvia
B. Bostick, K. McMillan

(Many Thanks to Mitch Twomey for the scan of the program!)