The Middletown High School Drama Club
performed 1969
Directed by Mr. Concannon & Mr. French

The Cast

Bob Blake, Maryann Botelho, Linda Cleasby, Joe Crotteau, Maurice "Bud" Crotteau,
John Loudermilk, Steve Myers, Diane Nunes, Ed Serotta, DeNeille Thompson, Pam Viti

Edna Lyon (MHS Librarian)
Mr. Concannon, Mr. French

With Special Guest
Mr. Gaudet

The Crew
The Yearbook Page

First Row, 1st Picture: Bob Blake
First Row, 2nd Picture
: Maryann Botelho
First Row, 3rd Picture
: Mr. Concannon, Mr. French

Second Row, 1st Picture: Steve Myers
Second Row, 2nd Picture
: John Loudermilk
Second Row, 3rd Picture
: Joe Crotteau, Maurice "Bud" Crotteau, DeNeille Thompson

Third Row, 1st Picture: Ed Serotta, Maryann Botelho
Third Row, 2nd Picture: Diane Nunes, Pam Viti
Third Row, 3rd Picture: Edna Lyon (MHS Librarian)

Bottom Row, 1st Picture: DeNeille Thompson (the Judge), with Maurice "Bud" Crotteau
Bottom Row, 2nd Picture: Mr. Gaudet
Bottom Row, 3rd Picture: Linda Cleasby

Thanks to BETTY PECKHAM for all the great pictures and captions in the mail!

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