The Middletown High School Drama Club

Icarus All Over Again
by Brad Gordon & Gary Rucker
directed by Adam Shepherd
performed March 5 & 6, 2004

The Cast
Jesse Baxter
Tim Fiore
Valerie Baxter
Shannon Marks (Friday)
Leanne Medeiros (Saturday)
Rod Serling
Matt Wilke
Brittany Farnsworth
Caroline McNamara
Mick Forrest
Andy Hernandez
Kelsey Wilson
Brenna Kehew
Girl One
Amy Nix
Girl Two
Aleah Sheehan
Girl Three
Ava Young
Chris Goulart
Rocky Kile
Ed McMahon
Stefan Demers
Dexter Double
Erin Kilmer
Tiffany Wadsworth
Maggie Drayton
The Crew
Stage Manager Karen Byrne
Sound Chris Hallock, Sarah Dragone
Lighting Kim McDougall, Teresa Sears, Danielle S
Properties Stacie Waleyko with Rosalina Mills
Set Construction & Painting Chris Hallock, Rocky Kile, Tom Connors,
Adam Shepherd, James Ascoli, Kevin
Zahm, Caroline McNamara, Shannon
Marks, Karen Byrne, Vanderson Stein
Promotional Poster Shannon Marks
House Managers
Casey Peterson, Georgia Lawrence, Katy Polnaszek
Special Thanks
James Ascoli
Kevin Zahm
Libby Ivy
Sturm's Appliances
seated: Aleah, Maggie, Leanne, Kelsey
standing: Chris, Rocky, Andy, Brenna, Amy, Matt, Tim, Caroline, Stefan, Erin
Adam Shepherd & Karen Byrne as Lemurs
Erin Kilmer & Kelsey Wilson, "The Dexters"
Leanne Medeiros
Katy Polnaszek
Chris Goulart