The Middletown High School Drama Club
The Skin Of Our Teeth
by Thornton Wilder

planned for May 8 & 9, 2020

directed by Kevin Zahm
Story of the Play - "Here is a comedy about George Antrobus, his wife and two children, and theor general utility maid, Lily Sabina, all of Excelsior, New Jersey.  George Antrobus is John Doe or George Spelvin or you - the average American at grips with a destiny, sometimes sour, sometime sweet.  The Antrobuses have survived fire, flood, pestilence, the seven-year locusts, the ice age, the black pox and the double feature, a dozen wars and as many depressions.  They run many a gamut, are as durable as radiators, and look upon the future with a disarming optimism.  Alternately bewitched, befuddled, and becalmed, they are the stuff of which heroes are made - heroes and buffoons.  They are true offspring of Adam and Eve, victims of all the ills that flesh is heir to.  They survived a thousand calamities by the skin of their teeth.  Here is a tribute to their indestructibility."  (from the Script)

Ironically, due to COVID-19, this is the first show in MHS Drama Club history to be cancelled. As of this writing (April 20, 2020) we are considering rescehduling for the fall (there might not be a better play for these times!) but will make a definite decision in September.
The Cast
Digby Alexander, CJ George
Mia Braun
Fitzpatrick (Stage Manager)
Mitchell Green
Mrs. Antrobus
Grace Haskell
Shannon Mahony
Telegraph Person
Caitlyn Benway
Sara Lombardi
Nate Benard
Mr. Antrobus
Jack Hallett
Kaelyn Sexton
Jacqueline Smith
Kate McNay
Colin Klampert
Miss E. Muse
Abby Maguire
Miss T. Muse
Danielle Folger
Miss M. Muse
Shannon Ganser
Fortune Teller
Obadiah Brooks
Bingo Caller
Danielle Folger
Nia Moisiades, Abby Maguire, Kate McNay, Jacqueline Smith, Kaelyn Sexton
Broadcast Official
Collin Klampert
Broadcast Technician
Nia Moisiades
Defeated Candidate
Collin Klampert (F), Digby Alexander (S)
Sobbing Woman
Ms. Tremayne
Shannon Ganser
Jacqueline Smith
Kaelyn Sexton
Bailey Fredricks (Captain of the Ushers)
Danielle Folger
The Crew
Stage Manager
Emma Kalif
Amy Flynn
Shannon Mahony