The Middletown High School Drama Club
The Good Doctor
by Neil Simon, adapted from Anton Chekhov
performed December 1992
The Cast
The Writer
Alex Beckers
The Sneeze
 Jeremy Sarao, Deirdre Logan,
Dave Kirchner, Alicia Trznadel
The Governess
 Laura Poulin, Dawn  Gabriel 
 Matt Bellucci, Jimmy Bray
The Seduction
 Bill Ebeling, Becky Charpentier, Jeremy Sarao
The Drowned Man
Alex Beckers, Matt Bellucci, Ricky Gallipeau
The Audition
Becky Charpentier 
A Defenseless Creature
 Amy Mullen, Rachel Wood, Jim Bray
The Arrangement
Dawn Gabriel, Alex Beckers,  Ricky Gallipeau
The Writer
Alex Beckers
The Crew
Stage Manager Mary Heins
Technical Director
Joe Ferreira
Assisstant Tech. Director Jeremy Sarao
Lighting Jeremy Lopes, Darlene Viloria
Set Construction Jeremy Sarao, Kyle Bennett, Deirdre Logan,
Bert Villacorta, Darlene Viloria, Phil Wisdom
Costumes Laura Poulin, Rebecca
Charpentier, Jackie Maurais
Properties Deirdre Logan, Sarah Smith
Stage Crew Brian Gabriel, Kyle Bennett,
Phil Wisdom, Bert Villacorta
Program Cover Richard M. Borges
Publicity Dawn Gabriel, Hannah Goodman
House Managers Hannah Goodman, Alyson Smith
Very Special Thanks to Jackie Maurais, Nick Wisdom,
Sean Wheeler, Kevin Zahm
Thanks to Alex Beckers for filling in the gaps in our cast and crew.