Bailey Stearns and Nat Currey
with the support of
The Newport Children's Theater
The Middletown High School Drama Club
The Crucible
by Arthur Miller
adapted by Bailey Stearns and Tara O'Hare Gnolfo
directed by Bailey Stearns and Nat Currey
performed November 17 & 18, 2016
[A Capstone Experience]
Cast |
Reverend Parris | Aidan Costa |
Betty Parris | Trixie McGowan |
Tituba | Brianna Robinson |
Abigail Williams | Tatyana Frost |
Mercy Lewis | Keeley Petersen |
Mary Warren | Olivia Brennan |
John Proctor | Ryan Alexander |
Mrs. Ann Putnam | Courtney Satterly |
Rebecca Nurse | Sophia Sirois |
Reverend John Hale | Scott Perdue |
Elizabeth Proctor | Mary Sheehan |
Marshall Herrick | Julia Forster |
Deputy-Governor Danforth | Joel Billings |
Judge Hathorne | Pearl Emerson |
Giles Corey | Will Ford |
NCT/Capstone Mentor | Tara O'Hare Gnolfo |
Technical Director | Ryan Olynack |
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The Cast
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Nat, Tara, Bailey | |
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The Trial
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Ryan, the man on the lights
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A well-deserved bow!
Director's Notes Hello everyone! Let me start off by thanking every one of you for coming out to see The Crucible, which as any of you may know directing this doubles as my capstone for graduation and my learning experience as a member of Newport Children’s Theatre Directors Track. This show was quite the undertaking if I’m going to be completely honest; but I had the most wonderful group of people helping me through the process. I would like to extend a huge thank you to my mentor, Tara Gnolfo. Tara has been my acting mentor for about five years now and when choosing a mentor I couldn’t think of anyone better to mentor my directing skills. I also have to thank my wonderful co-director Nat Currey for keeping mostly sane throughout this very short rehearsal process. Thank you to Linda Vars for helping and organizing publicity for the show, my eleventh grade English teacher, Mrs. Guerrera, for starting my love for The Crucible and supplying my scripts. Thank you to the Middletown Grange and JFK Elementary for allowing us to use the spaces for rehearsals and costumes. Thank you to my technical director, Ryan Olaynack for coming in and knowing exactly how everything should be done to look the way it does. Thank you to Mrs. Dowler for helping me procure permits for both shows as well as our tech week rehearsals. Thank you to the parents of my cast members for getting my actors where they need to be and helping out at the show you see tonight. A huge thank you to the Middletown High School custodians for setting up and breaking down the cafeteria to make it look more like a auditorium. Lastly, I’d like to thank my mother Elizabeth Buckeridge for being the most supportive person through this process and honestly just being the best mother I could ever have, thanks mom! I honestly can’t believe that we’re already here. We started rehearsing in mid-September, twice a week, with very few added rehearsals. I’m so incredibly proud of my cast and incredibly thankful for their dedication to the show; especially my seniors (Nat, Pearl, Ryan, Scott, Brianna, and Will) as they have their own senior duties to keep up with. Thank you all so much for coming and I hope you all enjoy the show! - Bailey Stearns |
Casting The Crucible was, well, not
too hard. Bailey and I were extremely fortunate to have
been graced with an eager, talented group of kids who made the
performance better than we could have hoped. Courtney,
taking on extra lines as Mr. Putnam. Sofia, embodying
Rebecca amazingly despite (I’m sorry) always seeming to have to
attend rehearsals where we did not do her acts. Brianna,
being perfect for her role without even auditioning
(oops). Will, Pearl, and Julia giving fresh life to the
little parts and always adding to whatever scene they were in
in. Joel, working as diligently as a country prosecutor to
squash his “stage” voice. Scott, always knowing his
intentions, his lines, and everyone else’s. Trixie and
Keely, making us believe they really were possessed.
Olivia, God bless her, just destroying the part of Mary Warren
with the sobbing and everything you know what I mean.
Aidan, keeping up the trend of just killing it before even
receiving direction. Ryan, working with arguably the most
dynamic and complex character in the show. Mary, string
and steadfast and everything we wanted in an Elizabeth.
And Tatyana, honestly Tatyana, just blowing us away with her
Abigail, like wow. I am just “UGH!” so proud of these
kids, my peers, and how far we’ve come as a cast. It has
been hard, even into tech week, from whence I write this, but
I’m so glad we could pull it through. Thank you all so
much. -Nat Currey |
Bailey & Nat, When you first expressed your interest in directing The Crucible for Director’s Track, I was immediately overwhelmed. The thought of mentoring two high school students, directing high school students, on such a mature piece of theatre was daunting to say the least! I saw right away, however, your love for the play and, quite frankly, you won me over. I thought to myself, how important it is for me to work on material that is meaningful, and I recognized listening to you both articulate your arguments, that you had a clear vision as to why The Crucible was so important to you. I have enjoyed through this process watching you struggle, but find solutions. I was inspired by your ideas and excitement when the pictures you envisioned in your mind’s eye were accurately demonstrated by your actor’s on stage. Bailey, we have been through many highs and lows together, and I always respected your devotion to everything theatre. It is important for you to know, that I always believed in you, even when it might have appeared otherwise. Working with you in this capacity and witnessing you discover this new talent was the best high for me so far! You have everything it takes to be a great director. You were organized, fun, thoughtful, passionate, and held strong to your vision from start to finish. Nat, I enjoyed seeing you utilize things you have learned in Teen Repertory, you provided your actors space enough to create while maintaining structure. You both worked extremely hard! I am so proud to know that you didn’t take the easy route, but that you chose to challenge yourselves with such a beautiful and demanding work of art. The struggles throughout the rehearsal process most certainly paid off! Congratulations to you both! -Tara O'Hare Gnolfo |