The Middletown High School Drama Club
Twain By The Tale
by Dennis Snee, adapted from Mark Twain

performed November 30 & December 1, 1979
The Cast
Baby New Year
Michelle Mauldin
Mark Twain
Pat Barrow
Mississippi Breaks
Teresa McMahon, Scott G(?), Kathy Redgate, Courtie Roach, Marian Schmeer, Bill Silvia,
Mike Cofield, Lisa Lahr, Pat Barrow, Donna Sagamang, Robynne (?)
Allyson Lally
Noah and the Bureaucracy
Phil B(arrett), Jeanine (Silveira), Doug (?), Courtie Roach
A Page From a Californian Almanac
Mary K(?), Mike Cofield, Scott (?)
The Legend of Sagenfeld
Teresa McMahon, Marian Schmeer, Pat Barrow, Bill Silvia,
Donna Sagamang, Doug (?), Lisa Lahr, Mary (?), Robynne (?)
The Fable of Saint Patrick
Belfast, Northern Ireland
Mike Cofield, Allyson Lally, Pat Barrow, Marian Schmeer, Courtie Roach, Scott (?)
Answers to Correspondence
Phil (?), Robynne (?), Lisa Lahr
Advice to Little Girls
Jeanine Silviera
The Judge's Spirited Woman
The Great French Duel
(If you can fill in the gaps for this cast list, please e-mail me so I can update this page. I'll be sure to give you credit J. Thank you!)