The Middletown High School Drama Club
Kiss Me Kate
by Cole Porter
performed May 1972
Directed by Miss Barbara Beamer
Student Director: Tory Tolley

The Cast
Fred Graham 
David Parker
Lilli Vaness
Nancy Demytanaere
Lois Lane
Mary Ann Poulin
Bill Calhoun
John La Pointe
Richard Lawton, David Gray, Jo Ann Couturier, Tom Erb, Nick Toppa, Carey Nelson, Michael Day, Staige Kern, William Arnold, Colleen O'Brien, Terry Janet Veach
Mary Ann Mahaney, Susan Blair, Ellen Woodland, Christine Kirkwood, Leslie Dannin, Karen Wimbiscus, Ann Kine
The Crew
Musical Director
Win Johnson
Student Director
Tory Tolley


T. Erb, M. Poulin, J. LaPointe
N. Demytanaere
N. Demytanaere
D. Parker, N. Demytanaere
D. Parker, N. Demytanaere

upper: Dave Parker, Bill Arnold, ?, ?, Patty DeLoura, Joanne Couturriea, Mary Mahaney, Patty O'Brien
lower: ?, ?, ?, ?, ?