The Middletown High School Drama Club
Voices From The High School
by Peter Dee
performed December 1985

The Cast
Tracy Meserve, Carrie Dickenson, Heather Haley, Kyle Rosa, Dave Mendel, Stuart Shoppell, Jason Metz, Eric Bulmer, Cheryl Aldrich, Patrick Sheehy, Tatia Baum, Rob Leary, Nadia Galvin, Jackie Robinson, Jen Goodman, Beth Hines, Teresa Parham, Jason Ruck, Jonathan Davis, Lisa Ballard, Polly Wessick
back: J. Ascoli, C. Dickinson, ?, Jackie Robinson, ?
front: D. Mendell, K. Rosa, E. Bulmer, S. Shoppell, J. Davis
S. Shoppell, P. Wessick
N. Galvin, T. Baum
S. Shoppell, D. Mendell
J. Ruck