The Middletown High School Drama Club

Just A Stage He's Going Through

by Pat Cook
A Capstone Project
directed by Tia Meneses
Performed March 1 & 2, 2007

NOTE:  If your name appears below with just a last initial, it is because I do not yet have permission to use your last name on this web site.  Please see me for one if you need one, and please get them back to me as soon as possible so I can update the site! - KZ
Le Cast
Dwight Kevin Cruz
"You could havetapped me on the shoulder and been like 'HEY DWIGHT YOU'RE ON STAGE' But No!"
Blanche Anastasia Miller
"I like pinky toes, but they're the only ones."
Mom Jordan Gilletti
"Hey, I was wearing clothes under the apron!"
Guy Sam Regan
"Yeah goodgoodgoodgood."
Man Christian Sullivan
"I should do my monkey call.  But I gotta go
outside because it's too loud"
Lady Brittney Peterson
"My body odor smells like tacos. It's kinda appetizing."
Sax Player Aaron Weininger
"You just weave and... weave and... weave and...line?"
Dr. Sigmund Freud Nathan Putier
"Ah, a true extra-terrestrial."
Et La Crew
Stage Manager
Becca Cunha
"Girls shave their armpits, but guys
shave their faces.  So what's better?"
Ashley Stokes
"I need some smooth-age."
Bradley Petersen
"I've been sitting in this chair for
about 10 minutes.  I think it's broken."
Tia Meneses
"No one will get it except for us four... five..."
Les Thanks to...
Mrs. Larson
Mr. Zahm
Mike Johnson and the Custodial Staff
Parents of the cast and crew
Anastasia Miller for all her artwork and the sock puppet
And sure... you too.
The Pictures
The Poster
The Cast
Sam, Brittney, Aaron, Christian, Kevin, Anastasia, Nathan, Jordan
The Bust Stop
Sam, Aaron, Christian, Brittney
Anastasia & Kevin
Mom & Dr. Freud
Dr. Freud's Right-Hand Man
(sometimes a sock puppet is just a sock puppet)
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