The Middletown High School Drama Club

Our Miss Mister Brooks
A Comedy In Three Acts
Adapted from the original material of R. J. Mann
by Christopher Sergel
Directed by Kevin Zahm
performed December & 10, 2008

The Cast
Mister Brooks
John Cunha
Helga Longacre ("Coach")
Ella Miller
Mister Finch
Jack Broderick
Ms. Wadsworth (The Principal)
Julia Chille
Miss Audobon
Emily Daughan
Jackie Tollefson
Carly Shugart
Jane Serenska
Sylvia (“stage manager”)
Justice Miller
Lydia Bosch
Maggie Kerins
Faith Munge
Kylie Sjoblom
Cecilia "Alice" Costello
Ryan Leys
"Stella" (plays young Englishman)
Michelle Fennewald
Martin (plays the High Lama)
Matt Perry
Mrs. Allen
Eve Houghton
Good Sports (Basketball Players)
Dan Bertel and Isaiah Robinson
The Crew
Stage Manager
DeeJay Connerton
Assistant Stage Manager
Alyx Burns
James Maurer and Albert Walker
Lizzy Callas
Poster and Program Cover
Jane Serenska
Set Construction
Cecilia Costello, Deejay Connerton, Alyx Burns
Set Painting
Deejay Connerton, Alyx Burns
Stage Crew
Katie Skelly, Alyx Burns
Deejay Connerton, Julia Chille
Ticket and Snack Wranglers
Izzy Macomber, Dan Bertel, Isaiah Robinson
Special Thanks
Phil Statser and the MHS Band, Ed Collins, Jim Ascoli, Jackie Zahm, Dave Fontaine, Greg Decoteaux, Debbie Marksberry, The MHS Custodial Staff
The Pictures
Jane Serenska's poster art
Standing: Jack, John, Michelle, Eve, Jackie, Julia, Matt, Justice, Carley, Kylie, Faith
Sitting: Lydia, Emily, Jane, Cecelia, Maggie, Ella
Reclining: Ryan
Rhonda and Mrs. Allen receive some bad news from Ms. Wadsworth,
while Jane and Mr. Brooks look on.
"Since you get to use half the gym, coach said we
could practice in half the English room."
Mr. Osprey takes decisive ambulancery action, while
Martin continues begging for a big old dose of salts.
Coach Helga and Ted discuss their common problems.
Somehow Ted looks doubtful.
The cast hears the news about Martin.
Rhonda Allen begins to feel dejected.
Coach Helga, Ted, Jane, and Mister Brooks take a well-deserved bow.
Deejay lurks in the dark
Lydia relaxes in the light.
Elaine and Faith enjoying their costumes
"We got dates and things! What's a girl to do?"
Mr. Urkel, we're ready for your close-up.