MHS Chemistry
Identification of a Metal by Specific Heat score sheet

Each person must pass in their own lab.  Partners' data must be the same, or any differences must be explained.  Include a copy of this score sheet separately.

Title Stuff
    4    Names, Date, class/period, Title

Lab Handout
    4    clean & neat

    4    three different trials
    3    1 trial missing with explanation
    2    2 trials missing, or one missing without explanation
    1    one trial, incomplete

Density Data
    4    proper number of decimal places, decimals lined up, no hyphens
    2    missing one of the above

Density Calculation
    4    volume, density, shown with words/formulas AND numbers, labels,
          proper decimals, one trial and average shown, correct
    3    missing one or two
    2    missing three or four
    1    missing five or six
    0    missing

Specific Heat Data
    4    mass of empty calorimeter cup, mass of cup with water, temperature of cold
          water, initial temperature of metal, final temperature of mixture, proper decimals,
          decimals lined up, no hyphens
    3    missing one or two
    2    missing three or four
    1    missing five or six
    0    missing more than six

Specific Heat Calculation
    4    mass of cold water, DT water, DT metal, specific heat of metal, shown with words/formulas
          AND numbers, labels, proper decimals, one trial and average shown, correct
    3    missing one or two
    2    missing three or four
    1    missing five or six

ID of Metal
    4    several metal choices based on density, several based on Cp, values for possibilities included,
          full sentences, good grammar, choices narrowed down.
    3    as above without explanations OR without multiple possibilties
    2    as above without explanations AND without multiple possibilties
    1    as above without explanations AND without multiple possibilties AND bad grammar/incomplete sentences.

    4    easy to read, few or no crossouts, dark ink or dark pencil, not torn or tattered, score sheet included
    0    hard to read, lots of crossouts, low contrast ink (yellow, pink...), torn, tattered, wet, missing score sheet

[Identification of Unknown Metal by Specific Heat][MHS Chem page]