MHS Chemistry
Properties of Pennies part 2

The Objectives of this lab are:

 · revise a hypothesis
 · accurately gather and record data relevant to the hypothesis
 · analyze the data graphically
 · develop an explanation for your results
Part 2
Why do you think the mass of a penny varies the way it did in your previous investigation?  Write down your hypothesis.  Pass in a copy of this hypothesis.

Develop, record, and carrry out a procedure to check your hypothesis.  What is it about pennies that could account for your results?  How can you account for your results?  Remember to include your data!

What to Pass In:
Write a one-page report that tells what you did and what you found out, in order.  Be as detailed as possible.  Include a data table and anything else that helped you decide.  The last part should be a question or hypothesis to lead someone to a more detailed explanation of how pennies change with age.

HINT:  the score sheet lists what pieces are expected, in the order they are expected! Mostly this is an assignment about the Scientific Method, and developing good experimental habits.  Your report should be very clear and focused.  You may wish to read the following documents:  How to Collect Data, How To Make A Graph, and How to Write A Lab Report.

Student Learning Expectations
A2 - A Middletown High School graduate will acquire, analyze, and evaluate information and ideas to effectively solve problems
S2 - A Middletown High School graduate will work cooperatively to achieve group goals and resolve issues.
  • Complete title section
  • Clear & appropriate purpose or hypothesis.
  • If necessary, procedure included as numbered list, or properly referenced.
  • Data & Observations properly recorded and presented, few decimal errors, most labels present correct.
  • Graphs are present & accurately constructed, if required.
  • All calculations are shown for one trial, and every value includes description, number, and label.
  • Analysis and Questions section(s) complete, correct, clear, and written with proper spelling and grammar.
  • If necessary, the purpose or hypothesis is specifically addressed.
  • Lab is neatly written in dark ink, few cross-outs, stapled in top left corner OR two sides of one sheet, sections in correct order, no notebook "fuzz," few grammar or spelling errors
  • If the lab is late/unexcused, the maximum score possible will be a 3, regardless of the quality of the work.  Even if you would otherwise get a 4, a perfect late lab can never score higher than 3.  You have been warned!

[Penny Lab part 1][Penny Lab part 2 Score Sheet][General Lab Rubric][MHS Chem page]