MHS Chemistry Name:____________________
COMMON ¢ENTS Section:__________________

The goal of this activity is to come up with a model to predict the mass of any Lincoln penny made in the United States. I have a coffee can with about 3000 pennies, and I will pick three at random for mass predictions.  Fill this page in after you have carried out your investigation.

A2 - A Middletown High School graduate will acquire, analyze, and evaluate information and ideas to solve problems effectively.
C2 -
A Middletown High School graduate will demonstrate a personal sense of ethics that will include honesty, integrity, and self-control..
S1 - A Middletown High School graduate will demonstrate responsibility for his or her own actions, behaviors, and academic success.
S2 - A Middletown High School graduate will work cooperatively to achieve group goals and resolve issues.

1.1.a - Students demonstrate an understanding of the structure of matter by... utililizing appropriate data (related to chemical and physical properties), to distinguish one substance from another or identify an unknown substance.

Prediction Model


OK! So try it out!
Ask someone else to predict the mass of three randomly selected pennies using your model, then measure them.  When they return this paper, calculate the percent error for their predictions and assess your model.

Penny #1  
Year: __________
Predicted mass: __________
Actual mass: __________
Calculate percent error:
Penny #2  
Year: __________
Predicted mass: __________
Actual mass: __________
Calculate percent error:
Penny #3  
Year: __________
Predicted mass: __________
Actual mass: __________
Calculate percent error:

Briefly assess your prediction model.  Was the other person able to make precise and accurate predictions?  Why or why not?



[MHS Chemistry page][Common Cents score sheet]