MHS Chemistry
Boiling Point of a Liquid Score Sheet

Title Stuff
     4    title section, title, names, date, class, neat

Lab Handout
     4     present, clean.  This will cover the Purpose & Procedure sections.
     2     present, scribbled on, sloppy, or torn

Data Table (Temperatures vs. Time)
     x     Keep it in your notebook - it's not required for this lab.

Analysis #1 - Graph
     4     full page, time on x axis, temperature on y axis, only necessary range,
            consistent scales, neat and clean, axes named and labeled, all data
     3     slightly cluttered of cramped, but most of the above
     2     cramped, sloppy, not well labeled
     1     incorrect, messy, rough draft quality

Analysis #2 - Boiling Point of Unknown
     4     Full sentence, good grammar, reasonable explanation, labeled, correct

Analysis #3 - If _____________ Was the Liquid
     4     Reasonable conjecture, full sentences, clear explanation, good grammar

Analysis #4 - Twice as Much Liquid?
     4     Reasonable conjecture, full sentences, clear explanation, good grammar

Analysis #5 - Explanation of level spot
     4    Reasonable explantion involving kinetic and potential energy, proper grammar
           and spelling, use of observations where they are relevent
     3    Some good ideas but jumbled, good grammar and spelling
     2    Clearly written but wrong
     1    Attempted but unclearly written and probably wrong

Analysis #6 - Explanation of Bubbles
     4     Reasonable conjecture, full sentences, clear explanation, good grammar

Analysis #7 (Bonus) - Time to Room Temperature
    4     Logical explantaion, full sentences, clear work, good grammar, correct

     4     Typed or neatly written in blue or black pen, sections in correct order, few or
            no cross outs, stapled in top left corner, no notebook “snow,” one side of each stapled sheet
     0     Missing or tattered rough draft

    -1     for each day late

[40 points available]

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