MHS AP Chemistry
Midterm Review

The 2008-09 Midterm Exam is not yet written. When it has been written, a study guide will be posted here.

In the meantime, here's the review sheet for MHS AP Chemistry midterm exams through the 2007-08 school year:

The midterm will be 50 questions long.  It will be 90% multiple choice with five “show-your-work” problems.  You will be given a sheet with equations, constants, and conversion factors.  You will also be given a basic periodic table (name, symbol, atomic number, & atomic mass).

You should bring a scientific calculator, some #2 pencils, and a good eraser.  When you are finished you may read something, but there will be no talking during the exam period.  Leave all of your chemistry stuff in your locker.

The exam covers chapters 1 - 9.  The following is a list of topics covered so far, any of which may be on the midterm.  This list may be incomplete.  Check your syllabi and go back through the chapters (especially the chapter summaries).  It would probably be a great idea to study from the "Study Guide and Workbook."

Here's the list:

matter & states solubility rules
physical vs. chemical signs of reaction & driving force
mixtures & solutions metal reactions
elements & compounds oxidation & reduction ("ReDox")
units, labels, & factor/label activity series
Celsius, Kelvin, & Fahrenheit titration
precision, accuracy, & sig. figs energy in reaction
atomic structure & theory kinetic & potential
isotopes, atomic mass internal energy, heat, & work
periodic table & families state functions
metallic properties & trends exo- & endo-
molecules & ions heats of reaction, Hess' law
molecular, ionic, empirical formulae heat capacity & calorimetry
naming inorganic compounds heats of formation
polyatomic ions electrons, photons, & waves
molecular compounds electromagnetic radiation
chemical reactions & equations UV, IR, visible, line & continuous spectra
stoichiometry E = hn  c = ln  l = h/mv
atomic & molecular weights orbitals, quanta, uncertainty principle
moles s, p, d, & f
empirical formulas from analysis 1s2s2p3s3p4s3d4p5s4d5p6s4f5d6p7s5f6d7p
using balanced equations shielding & effective nuclear charge
limiting reactants & theoretical yield electron configuration & the periodic table
molarity periodic properties & trends
concentration & dilution bonding: covalent, ionic, & metallic
electrolytes: strong & weak dot diagrams & Lewis structures
equilibrium energy & bonding
acids & bases: strong & weak bond polarity & electronegativity
neutralization & salts resonance structures
ionic equations: overall & net bond lengths & strengths
metathesis & precipitation reactions molecular geometry
oxidation numbers bond angles
VSEPR polarity of molecules
"expanded valence shells" hybrid orbitals (sp, sp2, sp3, dsp3, d2sp3)
orbital overlap multiple bonds
s & p bonds s* & p* bonds
molecular orbitals lab safety
diatomic molecules labs from class

I went through the book and wrote down really quick "titles" for everything that we have done so far.  I hope they ring many bells.  Please study together in groups; teach each other what you don't all know, and ask good questions BEFORE the exam.

Good Luck!  J
[MHS AP Chemistry page]